Carol Dweck Annotations

The annotations above express Carol Dweck’s main points on her TED Talk “The Power of Believing That You Can Improve”. Dweck explains how important it is to challenge one’s mind to think deeper and encourage praise only when necessary. By promoting a “growth mindset” a student can achieve so much more knowledge and are capable of societal growth. Focusing on the “yet” encourages students to work harder and gain confidence in their classroom skills.

When annotating I chose to highlight any quotes or main points that were being discussed. I believe it is important to emphasize those points because they largely contribute to the over arching message she was trying to convey in the TED Talk. I also circled words that she used repetitively such as “not yet” to put focus on how often they are being used. In addition to underlining and circling what I believe is important, I write notes in the margins of the page to help sort out my thought on what is being expressed in the argument. The side notes included my opinions and translations of what is being said in the article.