1. Be able to critique their own and others’ work by emphasizing global revision early in the writing process and local revision later in the process.

Learning Outcome D:

On the chosen peers paper I commented “I believe that you have a great start to your introductory paragraph. By developing a clear thesis statement and adding more to introduce what you will be analyzing in your essay will benefit your writing”. I made a comment to suggest development of a thesis statement and provide a better analysis. My instructor agreed with my comment and added additional information on how to better develop the main argument of the essay. Throughout the peer editing process I was able to learn what to make comments on and the proper advice to give to peers. I believe I can still grow throughout the peer editing process. Using the guideline provided for the peer review sessions I was able to get a better understanding of what to highlight when editing others papers. The editing process I learned can be used to both better edit my essays and others that need review.