1. Demonstrate the ability to approach writing as a recursive process that requires substantial revision of drafts for content, organization, and clarity (global revision), as well as editing and proofreading (local revision).

Framing Statement A:

Nancy Sommers states that “students understand the revision process as a rewording activity” which is something I agree with greatly (Sommers). I believe that the revision process as a whole is a chance for the writer to reorganize their content and clarify what they are trying to communicate to the reader. I have been taught not to fall in love with a first draft. When drafting essays I try to put all my thoughts down in an organized fashion. However, I believe that a second draft is necessary to make sure the message you want to express is fully explained. For the second draft I focus on ways to make my writing more formal and flow logically by putting emphasis of my main arguments and the supporting subtopics. After substantial revision, Sommer states, “I begin to see the structure of an argument and how all the various sub-arguments which are buried beneath the surface of all those sentences are related” (Sommers). In my first draft of my essay on social media I ended my naysayer paragraph with “Also, having a substantial amount of followers on a social media platform can encourage teens to have a high rate of self importance do to the fact that people are interested in viewing the content of their page”. I received a comment from a peer explaining that I need to greater develop my paragraph by using information for an outside source to support my claim. In order to elaborate on my claim I chose to use quoted material from a source to improve the explanation of my quote in my second draft. I believe that my philosophy of editing somewhat fits Sommer’s style. I agree with Sommer’s idea that what they lack, however, is a set of strategies that help them identify the ‘something larger’ that they sensed was wrong and work from there” (Sommers). I believe without the aid of peer editors I would struggle to localize the more important errors of my essay.