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Organized, hardworking, motivated, focused

Lover of sun flowers

Student of nursing

Who feels excited about taking this class

Who hopes to learn writing skills in this class

Who fears the assignments in this class

Who loved the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar as a child

Who read the Hunger Games series of books

Who struggles to get through the book Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Who checks Instagram every day




  1. kdwyer3

    Hey Emily,
    I love sunflowers too and I am also a big fan of the childhood book The Very Hungry Caterpillar; it’s one of my favorites as well. I am a nursing student as well; do you know what type of nurse you may want to be in the future?

    -Keara Dwyer

    • ewnek

      Hey Keara!
      I would love to be a Neonatal nurse or Pediatric one day. I enjoy helping others and taking care of children so I believe those two areas of nursing would be a great place for me to start off!

      -Emily Wnek

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