I believe that the TED Talk presented by Alessandro Acquisti was very interesting. H made extremely valid points that many people often overlook. As a teenager who uses different social medial platforms to share content with friends I can truly agree that “we do reveal so much more information about ourselves online than ever before, and so much information about us is being collected by organizations” (Acquisti 00:36). Organizations and companies are using the content we post online to further advance their online impact without us even realizing. Large companies are able to invade our privacy to benefit themselves leaving those invaded hopeless because they have no control over what is ultimately seen by outsiders. The feeling of not being able to restrict others from viewing your content can feel quite hopeless like compared to Adam and Eve naked in the garden; exposed with no means of privacy.

I feel very worried about my personal content being used without my knowledge and permission. I cannot control what is seen as much as social media makes it seem like. I do not understand how it is legal for companies and organizations to invade our privacy to make advances for themselves without our consent.