Follow Your Arrow

Art and Nursing

I chose this image because it expresses one of the first steps I must take to begin my future career as a nurse. Nursing school is difficult and receiving this name tag motivates me to explore and work hard to accomplish my goal of becoming a nurse. This photo reminds me to be eager and involved in my classes and my first semester of clinical!


  1. csirard1

    Love the image! The name tag is a huge accomplishment reminding you that you are in the Nursing program for a reason. Keep it up!

  2. rlacroix

    Great post Emily. Receiving your name tag this year was really important and should motivate you to keep pushing through nursing school! Keep celebrating your achievements on your path to your end goal!

  3. Susan F Goran

    Emily, great way to think of how powerful something as simple as a name tag can be! You’ll love adding, RN, BSN after your name in the future!
    Professor Goran

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