Overall, I believe my group and I executed the project very well. We were able to use our own knowledge on what we believed would benefit the unit we have been attending clinical on for two semesters. Especially since we had two semesters of clinical on the same unit, we were able to develop a strong understanding of what the patient population specifically needs to help make the outcome of their hospital stay better. We chose to focus on the prevention of hospital-acquired Infections in patients in an Oncology unit. From knowledge, we knew that infection prevention is a serious priority for oncology patients because their immune systems are suppressed which increases their risk for infection. We chose to search for ideas on ways to help decrease and or prevent these infections from occurring. We found that hand hygiene is a vital part of infection prevention. It seems like a basic skill that everyone should understand, however many times it is overlooked or not done properly. Performing proper hang hygiene can decrease the risk of infection immensely. Improving nursing practice standards on hand hygiene, central-line care, and other procedures where bacterial, fungus or viral infections have a chance of entering the body is essential to decreasing a patient’s risk for a hospital-acquired infection.
The Nurse Educator on the unit was very receptive to the research we presented to her. She completely agreed that hand hygiene is essential to infection prevention and unfortunately is at times overlooked or not taken seriously. She suggested adding a supplemental hang hygiene review for healthcare providers to attend to demonstrate the importance of hand hygiene, specifically in relation to oncology patients. Also, ensuring that the proper standard of practice for central-line care is being executed. Many oncology patients have central-lines and proper care of those central-lines greatly influences a patients risk for infection. Overall, the Nurse Educator was please with what we presented and was happy that we had an understanding of the importance on using evidence based practice to help make the unit function better for the patients benefit!
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