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Month: March 2021

ATI Pharmacology Practice B

I believe this pharmacology exam went better than the previous quizzes I have taken that were pharmacology based. Pharmacology is still my most difficult NCLEX category section so I am thankful to have taken multiple quizzes on this topic. I still know that I need to put more time studying on this area in order to do well on the NCLEX. I also still test too fast. I remember taking this quiz feeling like I rushed through it. It is important to take the time to relax and read each question in its entirety. I do believe the remediation process has helped me to solidify content areas where I am weaker in knowledge.

Attaining and Protecting Your Professional Nursing License

I intend on getting my nursing license in the state of Massachusetts. Massachusetts is not a Nurse Licensure Compact state. The application can be completed online and requires both official transcripts and verification sign off from the director of UNE’s nursing program. Massachusetts also requires applicants to complete the Child Protective Services (CPS) Background Record Request Form, which is attached to the official application, and upload a passport photo along with the application. The website has various links and handouts on how the application process is completed however, it definitely seems overwhelming. It is important to complete the application process with full honesty and admit to any diagnosed disabilities or potential criminal charges such as OUI on the application. If not, the applicant can face punishment for not fully disclosing the truth. The state of Massachusetts requires all nurses that become licensed in the state to be responsible for reporting any forms of abuse such as child abuse, elder abuse, elder abuse in nursing homes, and abuse of a person with disabilities. There is a document on their website that explains our duty to report any and all abuse. The website also expresses that a fine and disciplinary action will occur if there is a failure to report such abuse. In some instances, such as failure to report child abuse, jail time and potential discontinuation of licensure will occur. Protecting my nursing license is something I need to think about everyday as a Registered Nurse. In order to protect my license I will make sure to document everything I do no matter what to ensure that there is never any question if I administered a medication or preformed a nursing task. I also will ensure that I properly administer medications using the appropriate medication rights and that I waste medications per institutions protocols. Keeping up with new and changing protocols for my institution is also a way to stay on top of things and ensure I am always complying with new updated institution protocols to protect my license. Being aware of completing any required continuing of education assignments that he institution requires and renewing my nursing license on time will also ensure I protect my nursing license.

Pharmacology Practice A

I still believe pharmacology is a section I need to further look over before taking the NCLEX. I have always struggled with medications and I understand that is a big aspect in nursing. I will make it my goal to focus on medications during the study process. While taking the next Pharmacology practice exam I am going to write down the medications I am not fully confident in and then make flashcards to help solidify the medications in my brain. I do believe I am making progress on these different exams and hope to continue to do better each time I take one in order to do well on the NCLEX.

Nurse Leader Post-Interview Reflection

I learned a lot during the interview process with the nurse leader I chose. She was willing to describe different hardships she faced while executing her leadership role and shared the various accomplishments she has made as well. I learned that leadership is a role that not everyone is qualified for and takes a variety of skills such as delegation, time management, and empathy to be an effective leader. Not all leaders need a special title to show that they are able to fit the leadership role however in a hospital setting there are given titles to the leaders which allows staff members to locate them and know who to reach out to when something is in question. 

The biggest challenge my nurse leader faced was her age. She is a new nurse and was appointed the leadership position of charge nurse and is now managing other nurses that have been in the career longer than she has been alive. She explained that some of the older nurses do not feel as though they have to listen to her because they have more experience as a nurse than her. 

The most surprising thing I learned in the interview was that as a night shift charge nurse, there are a lot of responsibilities that she has to handle on her own. During the night there aren’t many healthcare professionals with leadership roles in the hospital. During the day, there are various healthcare professional leaders around to ask questions or advice from. Being a new nurse and a new nurse leader is a huge responsibility to take on.

Listening to all the positive feedback I received from my nurse leader about her position really made me believe that this is a role I can potentially take on down the line in my career. It reinforced that I don’t need to have many years of experience to become a leader, I can use the skills I developed throughout my life to emulate a leader. The interview process changed my thoughts on how difficult it really can be to become a leader. There are so many challenges leaders face because every person and situation is different. There isn’t a single method to problem solving. Throughout my future career I plan to utilize the knowledge I received from my nurse leader in every aspect of my nursing career. I believe by doing so I will become a great leader, official title or not. Being a nurse on the floor that co-workers feel comfortable asking advice from is a goal of mine one day.

Adaptive Pediatrics Quiz

I believe I did well on this quiz. I could have done better if I avoided some distractions I encountered by going into a different room. I normally do not become distracted doing homework but the time I chose to begin the quiz was a busy time in my house. Next time I will plan more accordingly. I didn’t change many answers on this quiz which I believed helped me feel more confident in my answer choices which helped me to not become frustrated when I was unsure of an answer. However, I am still going too fast through each question. I need to focus on reading each question/answer in its entirety and just take deep breaths and try to relax while taking the exam to get a better score.

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