While discussing correct MLA format in class, I noticed that I have a few mistakes in my writing. These mistakes are mainly found in my in-text citations. I failed to follow the MLA format for in-text citation. I did not include a page numbers in my citation when necessary. Also, I need to revise my works cited page and use “Little Seagull” to follow the correct citation for the type of sources I chose.

Besides the MLA format, I noticed a few examples of over use of words. I used the “find and replace” function on Google Docs and noticed that I overused a couple of words. While editing my paper I will go back and change a few words that I need to help the paper seem less wordy.

It is necessary for me to revise how I incorporate quotes in my writing. I have an understanding of how quotes add to the overall argument of the essay. However, I still need to work on incorporating multiple quotes with my personal claim.