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Preparation for Licensure and Transition to Professional Practice

After taking multiple ATI exams I started to notice some test taking habits I developed that needed to be changed in order for me to do better on exams. I knew that I needed to slow down on each question. I am a fast tester which was a major downfall for me during these ATI exams because the questions are very specific and need to be read and thought about. After slowing down on my exams and reaching the entire question and answer choices I noticed I would do better on exams. My next testing downfall was that I would take this exams in the same room as my roommates because I wanted to spend time with them while doing my work. They don’t have the same major as me so they would discuss different topics while I was trying to focus and it would cause be to become distracted and try to rush to answer each question. After I began taking the exams alone, I noticed I would do much better.

I believe that the ATI remediations have been extremely helpful during this semester. I did find them extremely time consuming and that there was a lot of other work that needed to be done at the same time which caused me some stress. However, in the long run I believe the remediations helped give me little reminders during each exam because I could think back to the short bullets I wrote about each topic I got wrong. I also believe that the book is a great resource for studying as it contains all the information we need to know and more.

I believe that this semester I really evolved my time management skills. I did not procrastinate any assignments and made sure to get everything done before the due date so I did not feel overwhelmed about the workload as much as I normally was. This allowed me to carve out more time for studying periodically during the week and created more time on the weekends for self care and spending time with my friends. I noticed that spending time planning out what I need to get done each day helped me to stay calm and more organized throughout the year allowing me to be less stressed.

I believe in order for me to successfully study for the NCLEX I will need to carry over my organizational skills that I have developed. Creating a weekly schedule that lists everything that I need to accomplish on each day helped me so much during this semester, I have been more on top of my school work than I ever have before. I have never been a bad student but utilizing a weekly schedule has helped me become a better one. Having a schedule will help me balance studying, family time, and time to exercise so I do not become overwhelmed and slack off on some aspects.

Proctored ATI Comprehensive Predictor

At first I was not looking forward to taking this exam because I was nervous about the score I was going to get. If I got a bad score I would feel unmotivated and worried about not doing well on the NCLEX. However, I was decently happy with my score. I got a 89% predicted pass rate which definitely gave me some motivation. I know that I still need to study for the NCLEX, which will cause my change for passing to increase. I know I need to continue studying on the pharmacology part because that is the part I struggle with the most. I also believe I need to place emphasis on the Safety and Infection Control category because I have been getting a lot of questions wrong in that section as well.

Comprehensive Practice Predictor B

I thought this practice exam was harder than the one we took before. I felt as though it had questions on topics I was not very familiar with in great detail. The topics I felt I wasn’t familiar with I knew them in a broad way but the questions pertained to a more detailed aspect of the topic. I definitely think I need to continue to go over routine procedures before the NCLEX because that will help me answer a lot more questions correctly if I know the steps and expected/unexpected findings.

ATI Adaptive Maternity Exam

This exam went over pretty well. I was hoping to have ended in 75 questions however, I went to 127. It was happy I didn’t get into the 200’s like I did on the adaptive pharmacology exam. I wanted to score better on this exam because I hope to go into labor and delivery when I become a nurse. I knew a decent amount of questions and I will continue to study this type of content by taking more exams in the future to get a better understanding of how they ask questions. I do believe that with more exams I will be able to better my test taking skills in order to prepare for the NCLEX.

ATI Proctored Pharmacology Exam

I was not happy with my score on the proctored exam. I thought I was going to do better because I have taken multiple ATI pharmacology exams and completed all remediations. I know I struggle with pharmacology and I think I need to develop a different study method when it comes to memorizing all the drugs and side effects. After completing the remediations, I definitely realized I made some mistakes that easily could have been avoided. When it comes to pharmacology I need to focus on reading the entire question and answer choices and thinking about each one before I convince myself that I don’t know the answer because I couldn’t think of it right away. Often, if I think about a question for a little bit the answer will come to me. I hope to do better on pharmacology in the upcoming exams.

Comprehensive Practice Predictor A

Overall I am happy with my results. I did better than I expected to do however, I still have content areas I need to work on. I believe I get overwhelmed when taking exams and am going to place emphasis on taking my time and thinking each question through to determine the correct answer. I think that the ATI remediations have been helping me understand what areas I need to study more. I thought of this exam as a mini NCLEX and tried my best on it. I am beginning to get more nervous about the NCLEX because graduation is just around the corner. I plan on utilizing the ATI quizzes more often than just what is required to help me prepare myself to take the NCLEX.

ATI Pharmacology Practice B

I believe this pharmacology exam went better than the previous quizzes I have taken that were pharmacology based. Pharmacology is still my most difficult NCLEX category section so I am thankful to have taken multiple quizzes on this topic. I still know that I need to put more time studying on this area in order to do well on the NCLEX. I also still test too fast. I remember taking this quiz feeling like I rushed through it. It is important to take the time to relax and read each question in its entirety. I do believe the remediation process has helped me to solidify content areas where I am weaker in knowledge.

Pharmacology Practice A

I still believe pharmacology is a section I need to further look over before taking the NCLEX. I have always struggled with medications and I understand that is a big aspect in nursing. I will make it my goal to focus on medications during the study process. While taking the next Pharmacology practice exam I am going to write down the medications I am not fully confident in and then make flashcards to help solidify the medications in my brain. I do believe I am making progress on these different exams and hope to continue to do better each time I take one in order to do well on the NCLEX.

Adaptive Pediatrics Quiz

I believe I did well on this quiz. I could have done better if I avoided some distractions I encountered by going into a different room. I normally do not become distracted doing homework but the time I chose to begin the quiz was a busy time in my house. Next time I will plan more accordingly. I didn’t change many answers on this quiz which I believed helped me feel more confident in my answer choices which helped me to not become frustrated when I was unsure of an answer. However, I am still going too fast through each question. I need to focus on reading each question/answer in its entirety and just take deep breaths and try to relax while taking the exam to get a better score.

Adaptive Med Surg Quiz

Overall, I thought this specific quiz was extremely difficult. I became frustrated with the amount of questions it took for me to complete the quiz. My frustration definitely made me not put in as much effort as I should have on some questions because I just wanted to get it over with. However, it made me realize that it is not a guarantee that I will finish the NCLEX in just 75 questions, it may take more. It is good for me to experience taking a quiz that is 200 questions so I am able to get the feel for a long exam. I have definitely learned that I need to slow down while taking these types of exams because taking time to focus on each question will help me to make better answer choices.

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