As my last semester is coming to an end, I am both anxious and excited. College has been an amazing experience, and all the friends I have made in the Nursing program have been with me every step of the way so leaving them to start my career is going to be challenging. However, I know my friends and I will all be very successful! Most of my anxiety is related to taking the NCLEX because it determines so much! I do believe UNE has prepared me so far, and I know I will continue to become more prepared as the semesters continues. Once I begin my first job, I am sure I will be anxious but I know that I will be able to reach out to a more experienced nurse for help if necessary!

I am so excited to start my career! I am looking forward to moving back home where my family is and hopefully being able to work at a hospital close to home, since there are many around where I live! I will be the first grandchild to be graduating college so my whole family is excited for me to enter the world doing such an important job, especially with everything happening today. I plan to celebrate my graduation along with my sister and cousin who are also graduating high school at the same time as me. The three of us want to have out close family over for a nice dinner that my dad will make. We are very close and having a nice dinner is usually how my family celebrates, birthdays, holidays, or something special like a graduation…or three!

I believe the ATI Nurse Logic 2.0 Modules gave me an idea of what information I need to focus more of my time studying in order to pass the NCLEX. It highlighted specific categories the NCLEX focuses on and gave me a great idea on how to organize my time while studying. In order to prepare myself to stay on track with studying, I will make the effort to do one self-care activity a week such as doing a face mask or paint my nails. It is important for me to make time for myself this year because school work and studying is going to take up the majority of my time and I don’t want to be stressed out because then my mind will become clouded and I will not retain the information I am studying properly.