In my Lifespan Development class we have several writing assignments due each week. Aside from the writing assignments we have “case study” projects throughout the semester that require writing. The elements learned in English 110 help me to better formulate a more formal writing piece for my projects in my Lifespan class. Here is an example of how I focused on learning objectives;

  1. Document their work using appropriate conventions (MLA)
  2. Control sentence-level error (grammar, punctuation, and spelling)


According to Albert Camus , a French philosopher “there is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide” (Anderson 38). The complexity of the problem of suicide is not similar in all cases. “The incidence of suicide varies so immensely across different population groups — among nations and cultures, ages and gender, race and religion — that any overarching theory about its root cause is rendered useless” (Anderson 38). The question to whether suicide is “the deadly result of a deep psychological condition ora fleeting impulse brought on by opportunity” is often discussed when talking about suicide. I believe that suicide can be both a deadly result of psychosis  while also being brought on by opportunity. Anderson provides information to support both reasonings for suicide. Anderson states that “The National Institute of Mental Health says that 90 percent of all suicide “completers” display some form of diagnosable mental disorder” (Anderson). This coincides with the idea that mental illness causes one to commit suicide. Despite the fact that 90 percent of suicides are due to some form of mental illness, there is still 10 percent that is not caused by mental illness. These individuals are who are not plagued by mental illness however, do “display the classic symptoms of so-called suicidal behavior, who build up to their act over time or who choose methods that require careful planning” (Anderson)…